Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday Reading Boot Camp was a Success

My third graders started Reading Boot Camp today. I was kinda upset about the weather situation. Last night and this morning we had heavy thunderstorm so we had to cancel the outdoor activities for the boot camp. Kiddos were Bummed Out! We did do stations and it worked out really well. My first period did a wonderful job. I scored their papers (using the tracking sheet) to discover that many of the students had earned 3 blue beads (100-90)! Fantastic!! We had some problems in second period because the group was so large. The dyslexia students were able to stay and participate in the Reading Boot Camp---this made a huge group. I will have to make some adjustments next week. I'm thinking about bringing out some games that relate to our objectives. This will allow the groups to be smaller as they travel around the room. Overall, second period did pretty well--I had a lot of students earn 2 blue beads (89-80). That made me smile! : )


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