Monday, March 19, 2012

Patricia Polacco Books

My library bought a new selection of Patricia Polacco Books. The kids really enjoyed this book today "Someone for Mr. Sussman". It's about a "matchmaker" that falls for one of her clients. (Sounds like a trashy reality series on televison- I promise it's not  LOL) Ms. Z tries to change herself in order for Mr. Sussman to like her. It's revealed at the end of the story that he liked her for simply being her.

Student's worked with a partner during this assignment. They selected which character to draw on the small paper plate. Students were given time to color the pictures. Then they were to work with each other thinking of adjectives to describe both the characters. They really did an excellent job. Very impressed with my little darlings.

The next objective that was covered using this book was Cause & Effect. This is really a great book to teach this concept. I planned ahead and wrote a Because event on one sentence strip-then an Effect on another according to the story. I had 6 cause and effects that were mixed matched. I placed them on the student's tables as they walked around with their partner browsing and discussing the topics. Then I gave one cause sentence strip to each group-they were instructed to go to each table again and find the effect match. The kids really enjoyed this activity because it was different. Both partners had to read and present their cause and effects matches. Way to Go My Third Graders!!!!! 

Tomorrow my students have Reading Boot Camp but we will resume with other Patricia
Polacco Books on Wednesday and Thursday. I have a neat PAC-MAN activity scheduled for Friday.
I don't know "WHY" but my peeps want to learn more about PAC-MAN the video game.
This will be interesting!!

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