Friday, February 24, 2012


(We need)

 'Leadership that is tough enough to demand a great deal from everyone and leadership that is tender enough to encourage the heart.'

Thomas Sergiovanni Leadership for the School
After reading this quote, it became apparent that having  "Crucial Conversations" can be a real balancing act for a leader of a school. As a leader, you want to ensure that your staff has high expectations for all learners, they understand the reasoning behind guidelines, follow the school & district procedures, continue to grow as an educator, and act with professionalism. These are just a few of the demands that great leaders expect of their staff. However, having those tough conversations can either unite a staff or divide a staff. Tough conversations doesn't = micromanaging but being firm and expecting the best from all. Encouraging conversations doesn't = playing  favoritism or labeling you as an ineffective teacher. We need to understand that  as teachers we set expectations for our students and as a leaders they set the expectations for us. State scores reflect back on teachers according to the passing rates. School Report Cards issued by the state reflect back on the principal. I believe we need strong leaders that have the courage to speak about what is important but tender enough to have compassion.

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