Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Abraham Lincoln

Wow! What a fun and exciting day of learning! My kiddos were a little hyper due to the weather changes here in Central Texas. The high was in the 80's therefore my peeps were off the chain literally!!! After some calming down --they got back into the pace of instruction. Before we started the lesson we spoke about our prior knowledge regarding Abraham Lincoln. (pic 3). Next we read the story and in between reading pages we wrote factual information down, characteristics of Abe, and questions that were on our minds. Then we listed information that we learned about Abe on the half Sheet. (pic2). The last step was gluing the paper on to the black construction paper and forming a huge black hat. Time was our enemy today and we weren't able to create old Abe's face.

We read this book "Abraham Lincoln" and viewed it
on our big screen presentation center

Students had to write
facts learned from the story.
I got this paper copy from Amy Lemons .
Step into Second Grade  

I found this idea from Allison Nicole

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