Monday, January 16, 2012

A Day in My Heels

I saw this cute idea on another blog site so I thought what the heck I'll do the same to let others know about my life as a third grade teacher. 

My morning begins at 5:30 and it literally takes me until 7:00 before I'm out the door headed to work. I have issues with clothes in the morning. Everything has to be just right including my hair. Lucky for me my school is only 5 minutes away. YAY!

As you know I'm in a portable so I'm subject to all the weather elements that occur in the state of Texas. 

7:10 I'm in my room checking emails, writing daily objectives on the board, and making quick copies if necessary.
7:30 I'm picking up my peeps from the library. They are usually taking AR test at that time and checking out new books. Love our librarian!!!
7:35 attendance is taken and guided reading groups begin. At this time my students are reading independently and taking AR test. I have a volunteer that comes during this time and takes another small reading group. Mrs. Martin is amazing and my students love her. She bought her reading group books for Christmas. So sweet!!

8:15 Daily Reading instruction begins. The instruction is based on the objectives on the board. I always try to make my lessons engaging and give students the opportunity to communicate with their peers regarding the content of the lesson. As they communicate with one another they build communication skills and utilize higher order thinking skills. Each lesson has a guided practice then an independent practice. During independent practice I grab another Guided Reading Group.

9:30 Writing begins....My least favorite subject is writing but I'm adapting and beginning to really understand the importance. I'm learning a lot of new things. We have an amazing 4th grade teacher that teaches writing and she's inspired me to branch out and conquer the fear of writing.

10:30 My peeps go to Music or PE depending on the day. On Tuesday and Thursday I do admin duties during my conference time. I recently received my Masters in Admin at A&M Central Texas. I enjoy assisting my principals and I gain much needed experience. My intent is to eventually follow the path of an admin. I would like to experience my first year in a brand new building before I take that leap. My campus is scheduled to have a new building in the next year. So Exciting.

11:30 My students go to the restroom and off to lunch we go! I'm usually starving by that time.

After lunch my second period peeps come to my classroom and we begin the process all over again!

Dismissal is at 3:00 and teachers leave at 4:00. Yes, a long day!!!!!
After work it's homeward bound to cook for my teenage kids. Then the gym and of course to watch reality shows. Now, you can say ---Wow she lives a boring life! LOL


  1. Writing is also my least fav! I've tried to find some stuff this year to spice it up!

    Ginger Snaps
