Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Book Reports

I can't believe that third graders are now required to write BOOK REPORTS! I don't remember writing my first book report till 5th grade. My poor babies! Well, I knew I had to make this assignment interesting so I created a flow chart that students will follow in order to successfully complete their project. I have attached the flow chart below. I will also provide pictures of some of the steps that we have finished as of today. My students are doing research on animals. They were thrilled about choosing the animals that interest them.
Flow Chart

Here is a sample of one of the pages of the flow chart. I really extended this project because I wanted students to utilize their higher order thinking skills, identify text features, develop graphic organizers, become familiar with new vocabulary, communicate, and share their ideas. Page two of the flow chart begins the basics of the report. Page 3 extends  report as  students develop creative ways to display their information learned.

The students color in the objects on the flow chart as they complete the assignment.

Students can not open the non-fiction animal book until predictions are made regarding what they think they will  learn from the text.

Next, student's have to list what they hope they will learn from the text. I told students to think of their burning questions that they would like answered. You will see this step again when students actually begin the writing process.

After, completing the two assignments above students collaborated with their partner and located text features. I actually have this poster hanging up in my room. I love it! I think I got it from really good stuff. I will check and let you know.

Finally, students chose 4 new interesting words they learned and wrote the meaning of the word from the glossary. They all shared one new word.

Students created a bubble map to list important topics within the text. They extended it and also placed important facts under the topic.

Book Report Ideas Collected from PINTEREST! CUTE

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