Saturday, July 14, 2012


I bought some craft paper from Hobby Lobby.I had extra letters so I created the "SAID" board.
My intent is for the class to begin collecting words that we can use instead of "SAID". The board
has been laminated and we will stick new words on the board.

I got this idea from PINTEREST. I added the P and S for Prefix and Suffix. I didn't have the room to put the words so I used their letters. The purpose of this activity---when we locate new words with prefixes, roots, and suffixes we will break the word a part.

I made this again from white poster board and craft paper. I plan to have the students place sticky notes etc next to the parts of speech during the year.

I love this idea. I got it from PINTEREST. I will be posting this 
next to my writing center.

Another item to place on the wall and begin collecting transitional words for the writing process.

More to come. 

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