Saturday, July 21, 2012

New Room

Last Sunday I moved all my things into the new fourth grade portable. I was so tired but luckily for me I had some man power to assist me. I've been going back and forth to the school trying to get things in their right place and decorating as I go. I still have a bit to go. I'd like to share some pictures with you. Remember I'm still decorating some areas and there are areas that haven't been touch. Also, my my pics seem to be a little blurry. : (

Fancy Words

Dictionary Skills Board -this board is next to the dictionaries. 

Writing Center/Computer Area

I need to move the transition words poster over to the left. LOL

Expectations Board

I will be back at the school tomorrow to finish this side of the room!

Saturday, July 14, 2012


I bought some craft paper from Hobby Lobby.I had extra letters so I created the "SAID" board.
My intent is for the class to begin collecting words that we can use instead of "SAID". The board
has been laminated and we will stick new words on the board.

I got this idea from PINTEREST. I added the P and S for Prefix and Suffix. I didn't have the room to put the words so I used their letters. The purpose of this activity---when we locate new words with prefixes, roots, and suffixes we will break the word a part.

I made this again from white poster board and craft paper. I plan to have the students place sticky notes etc next to the parts of speech during the year.

I love this idea. I got it from PINTEREST. I will be posting this 
next to my writing center.

Another item to place on the wall and begin collecting transitional words for the writing process.

More to come. 

There are big changes occurring for me and I'm totally excited about it. I had applied for an Instructional Coach position but things didn't go the way I had hoped. I was really down on my luck and I couldn't fathom the thought of staying in third grade in the same room for another year. Don't get me wrong "I Love Third Grade"---but I needed a change. My principal approached me with the idea to teach Fourth Grade ELA/SS. I was a little hesitate because writing hasn't been my strength. I thought what the heck--maybe--it's time to broaden my horizons and tackle what I most fear "WRITING"... Wish me luck! Another big change occurring at our campus is the implementation of Daily 5/Cafe. I'm eager to get this started in my classroom. I've heard nothing but great information about the system. So  if you have any information to share about writing or the Daily Five/Cafe-----Please leave me comments. 

The biggest challenge for me right now is mustering enough energy to start moving my things into another portable. My campus is in the process of building a new school so all the upper grades are moving to a portable. Third grade has always been in portables. I dread the move in this Texas heat. I do love the idea of decorating a new room! : )

I have created many homemade boards and materials to use in Fourth Grade. Lets get real---I don't have the funds on a teacher salary to redecorate and purchase all new items. So----I've done a lot of browsing on Pinterest and visiting Hobby Lobby. I will load pictures of my homemade materials in a bit. So please start following me again to see the before and after pictures of my classroom and decor.
