Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Polka-Dot Wednesday May 2nd

There have been a lot of cute end of the year activities circulating around Pinterest and other Blogs. I can't believe the end of the year is approaching us. To celebrate the ending of another year, I have selected many fantastic activities that I think you may be interested in- so lets begin Polka-Dot Wednesday.

Third Grade Love Blog

The creator of this blog designed a cute end of the year writing assignment for her students. Check out these pictures. I think they are too cute. Students are suppose to write about their soon to be summer events on their sunglasses then paste them to their face.  

A Cupcake for the Teacher Blog

I was so impressed with this neat little activity. The project can be used at the beginning and end of the year. The goal is for the students to identify the "Write Stuff for A Successful Year". The ending project is gearer towards the "Write Stuff"  learned at that grade level.

My mind began to wonder how to add a different twist to the assignment above. I thought it would be really cute for my third graders to write to second graders explaining how to have a successful year in third grade. I'm sure the second grade teachers wouldn't mind their kiddos buddying up with mine. My third graders would be given the opportunity to write for a purposeful reason and have an audiance to share their work. 

Miss Kindergarten

WOW! Miss Kindergarten is very creative. I recommend visiting her blog for more neat activities. I love the colorful pies--

Miss Kindergarten Does It Again!
She created the cutest darn "Bucket List" ever.
This could be modified for the older grade levels.
Look how cute the pictures are below! 

Another great idea for a "Bucket List" is provided below! CUTEEEEE

Teacher Treasures 

I adore this activity! I hope that my third graders get a chance to do this activity before the end of the school year.

Hope to See U Next Time on Polka-Dot Wednesday

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