Tuesday, April 17, 2012

STAAR laptop /Getting Ready for the STAAR

Sorry for the delay in blogging! I had a fun filled weekend as I interviewed participants during our job fair on Saturday and my daughter went to her first prom. Wow! It was a very hectic weekend-to top it off I got a migraine headache on Sunday and had to take Monday off. Yuck! So I'm back to the land of the living--I think!

I wanted to share the mini lap tops that my students used today to answer questions from a passage. I didn't want to make this week about drill and kill with STAAR but I knew we needed to touch up on some skills. I found these templates online to make a laptop but now I can't find who the creator is--so tonite I will be searching to ensure that she/he gets credit for the idea.. I did download it to my scribd. Maybe I wasn't suppose to but I will change it as soon as I find the web page. It's so close to STAAR and I wanted to make sure that you had a copy incase you wanted to do the activity. The students read the passage, did their strategies, and then went from laptop to laptop to answer the questions. They could not collaborate today with a partner. The students seemed to really enjoy it.

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