Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Polka-Dot Wednesday April 4th

I've selected the Picks of the Week! Wow!! There were a lot of neat things that I found this week. I hope these items will be useful for you. 

Welcome to Teacher Park 

I really liked her idea and downloaded the free copy.
Visit her site !

 Life in 4B

I really like this activity and think it will be beneficial next year with my students. The idea is to determine the important ideas and not so important ideas. Students place a red sticker on information that is important within the text. They place a green sticker on information that is not too important.

Life as a Fifth Grade Teacher


I love this idea and plan to create a similar board.
When I create the boards I will share them on my blog.
I think this is a great idea for reviewing the procedures before testing time. I teach in Texas and we will be taking the STAAR at the end of April. Visit her web page!

Third Grade Thinkers

This is a fun and motivating way to get the kiddos thinking. I think any grade from k-3rd would enjoy using the hand to recall important information they learned from a fiction or non-fiction book. Visit her blog to download the cute pictures.

Primary Practice

Spring is a great time to start gathering poems to read. This activity is awesome. The creator provides you with various pockets dealing with poems and also includes some pockets that are blank for your use. Check out this site.

Well Hope to See You Next Time

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