Sunday, April 1, 2012

I'm Back

So sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I've been really busy -plus I've been sick with fever etc. I have never felt so worn out and sleepy in my life. Ugh...glad it is over with and I feel a little better.

This weekend my daughter performed at the new Dallas Cowboy Stadium. Her competitive cheer team won 2nd place for large gym senior. We had a really great time and the new stadium is AWESOME! My daughter has been in competitive cheer since she was ten. This sport is her life! She is also a high school cheerleader. She has one more year at high school then she's off to UT to hopefully cheer and gain a great education.

I've also been busy rearranging my furniture and steam cleaning the carpet. OMG! Steam cleaning is a lot of work! I'm very proud of my couch! I even cleaned the couch using a steam cleaning device. I also bought new pillows and a rug!

Well, I hope to keep up with my blogging once again! Be looking for Polka-Dot Wednesday and Freaky Friday Quotes!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog, informative and up to date. Bookmarking your page. Thanks and more power!
