Monday, April 9, 2012

Brown Bag Project with "A Dog Called Kitty"

"Brown Bag Project"

My students will begin a "Brown Bag Project on - A Dog Called Kitty" in the next week. They will draw a card and choose a character. The characters consist of Ricky, Dad, Mom, Sammy, and Brad. I have included a rubric on scribd.  --The following pictures display the actual content that students will be required to complete. They will also have the opportunity to place items in the bag and do a show and tell. I will provide a small rubric for this part of the assignment. My intent is for students to get use to presenting in front of an audience. 

Name of Character
Draw a picture of the character
List adjectives describing the character

Provide quotes from the character

Write in sequential order important events that the character experienced within the text.

Write a summary using beginning, middle, and end. The summary should provide information about the character and the details of important things that happened during the character's life within the text.

1 comment:

  1. I read this book aloud every January and cry each.and.every.time. I like your idea of doing a brown bag project with it. Thanks for sharing it!

    Christi ツ
    Ms. Fultz’s Corner
