Sunday, March 4, 2012

Spring Break & Summer Fever

Spring Break & Summer Fever

My district has one more week until "Spring Break". I'm already noticing some behavior issues and lack of interest in learning. My peeps haven't taken the state assessment as of yet --- so I don't need them checking out of school. I've decided to give them the opportunity to write down some topics of their interest. I will consider their ideas and find away to implement some of them within the curriculum. Tomorrow students will give me this information as they enter the room in the morning and afternoon.

I provided a picture below that shows the Monday routine for my third graders. When they enter the room they go straight to the table to collect their Homework Agenda, New Pencil, and Important Information. It makes morning transition so nice. I don't have to pass material out and they understand the expectations.

The "Topic Interest" paper is located on the table and students will complete it at their own desk then return it to the pink basket.

My Next Idea to keep students engaged and eager to learn is to start 
Reading Boot Camp after they return from Spring Break.
This will be a Reading Boot Camp that occurs every Tuesday during Reading.
I will be collaborating with the PE teachers and collecting some equipment 
for students to use for outside purposes. More to come on
Reading Boot Camp 2012.

If you have any suggestions please post a message. 

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