Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I decided to create a Polka-Dot Wednesday. Polka-Dot Wednesday is designed to "Show Case" the most amazing and interesting ideas that teachers have developed. The ideas are "Show Cased" on my blog with the creator's website and name. If there are any FREE downloads --(I will direct you to the creator's blog). I'm hoping that "Polka Dot Wednesday" is a hit and that you are able to collect some valuable lessons or ideas to explore within your own classroom. Remember "POLKA-DOT Wednesday" located on 
Teaching with Style.

"My Favorite of the Week"

"Testing Survival Kit" 

Above are the Free Downloads that you can retrieve on her blog site.

I thought she did an AMAZING JOB creating these ideas and being so kind to share them with everyone. As we know students are preparing for state testing --just about everywhere--so I thought it would be great to share these ideas to motivate the kiddos. There are some more ideas listed below. I encourage you to visit her TpT Store and blog.

Let the primary grades motivate the students with words of encouragement. Then provide the water bottles to the students on testing day.

So Cute!!!

Great for Testing Day! Yum

You can purchase Smart Little Cookies for $2.50 @

Amanda's bulletin board from

I hope you enjoyed Polka-Dot Wednesday.
See you next week.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I am a Texas teacher too! I think your kiddos will need this with STAAR!

    I am going to share this with my principal. Thank you for sharing!

    I am your newest follower. All of the shoes on your blog made me laugh. My post the other day was about shoes! =)

    I would love for you to come visit another Texas! =)

    Heather's Heart
