Monday, February 27, 2012

Dear Mrs. LaRue

This week we are reading two books that correlate with writing letters. Our objective for the next two days will be to familiarize ourselves with "Point of View", and "Write Persuasive Letters". The students seem thrilled and they love IKE!

Chart: I had "Mrs. LaRue's Point of View" completed and students had to complete "Ike's Point of View" as a ticket out before switching classes.

As I read the story, we would stop and write specific information regarding "Ike's Views" about his treatment at Obedience School and the "Actual Reality" of what was happening.

I'm really big with expanding my student's thinking---so the last component of the activity sheet reads "Ideas of what could have been Added to the Story-line on this page". My students wrote some amazing things--for example ( Ike getting a massage, Teachers petting the dogs to show kindness, Ike having food service in his room). We were rolling over laughing! Of course we added information to the story-line that supported the "Reality" of what was really occurring in the story.

Newspaper Article & Flyer

Today we read the story about Ike LaRue being a detective. The kids had a great time comparing the story to Dear Mrs. LaRue. Many times during the read aloud they would interject with various comments about the similarities and differences of the stories. Several times I had to remind them to let me read. LOL

After the read aloud, students were given the opportunity to choose which assignment to complete. They could either choose to complete a Newspaper or Flyer. Each assignment had a rubric with information they had to follow.

Some of the requirements on the newspaper were the following:
Date, Picture, Caption, Location of the Event, 4 Adjectives used in sentences describing the Outside Characteristics, and 2 Adjectives used in sentences describing the Inside Characteristics.

Some of the requirements for the Flyer included:
Picture, Location, 4 Adjectives used in sentences describing the Outside Characteristics, 2 Adjectives used in sentences describing the Inside Characteristics, and Contact Numbers either by (Cell, Email, or Address)

My peeps loved the assignment! I was able to tie in some of the text features that we had previously been studying. I also connected the assignments to the periodicals we have been reviewing...YAY

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