Sunday, January 22, 2012

Objective for the Week: Inference

This week I have many neat activities planned to reinforce a highly tested objective known as (Inference) or (Inferring).  The Texas State Assessment has moved towards higher order thinking questions which is a concept that is very low for many students.

I found many cute activities on PINTEREST regarding the book "NO DAVID". I had my doubts concerning this book, but I quickly came up with some activities that would meet the needs of my third graders and enhance their skills.

I designed David on the chart paper and listed all the things that he did in the book.
The class will read the chart before viewing the book.

Next, students will have an opportunity to discuss and converse with members in their group about what kind of person they think David is based on the information on the chart. 

Students will grab some post its and write down characteristics and adjectives that describe David.
Sticky notes will surround the chart paper above.

After the book has been introduced, students will be given a an activity chart where they will utilize their inferring skills based on schema and evidence in the book. The link of the chart is provided below.

 Using Comic Strips

Example of the Cartoon Comics

I downloaded comic strips from this blog site. The lady was so sweet to provide teachers with both the original comic strips and comic strips with blanks for the students to use. My third graders will be doing this activity on Tuesday. I know they will like it!

Inference Cards

Here is another idea to incorporate within your lessons when you are working on the objective Inference.
Arrange your students into pairs. High /Average   Average/Low
Brown envelopes will be provided on each table with inference cards inside. Students will be required to go to each table and complete four inference cards with their partner. Partners are only there to assist not to give the answers. (I will be providing students with a copy of an activity sheet where they place the number of the inference card, the answer, and their reasoning for picking their answer) As soon as I make the template I will provide you with the link to get it from scribd.

Here is the template that students will receive at each table to record their answers and provide evidence.

I hope these activities come in handy! I would love suggestions or new ideas. You can add a comment or email me at

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