Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Enemy Pie

My students are so excited about reading "Enemy Pie" tomorrow.  I heard one student say that he couldn't wait until "2nd Period" tomorrow. Awe! That makes me smile...... I'm sharing an example of what the students caught a glimpse of this afternoon. 

The pie is suppose to resemble the one in the book. 

Students will glue the "Story Elements" on the opposite side of the cute design.
I created two more additional questions. The front question ----What was the Author's Hidden Message?
I also provided the question ---How would you have solved the problem. I want my students to think of different ideas to solving a problem. I have additional activities to come......keep posted!!

Examples...The Students Loved IT!

Next, thing on the agenda is for the students to practice sequencing the events and writing another summary. Our weakest objective is that darn "Summary"! It's definitively a toughie for my kiddos.

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