Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year & New Beginnings

It's been  a long time since I last posted. I guess the frustration over not being hired as an Instructional Coach-- threw me over the deep end. It's awful when you know your more qualified than the person receiving the position and that you have been dedicated to the district for 13 years. What makes it worse is when the  people that are being hired are all outside the district. I know that my God has a plan for me and I will continue to try to wait patiently as he guides me in the right direction.

Well enough of my rambling. I'm hoping to have a great New Beginning and enjoy my fourth graders. If you don't remember last year I taught 3rd grade.  I moved up to 4th grade with my students. WOW! Fourth grade is a BIG change for me. I feel as though I'm learning new content with my fourth graders. I'm like really------These kids are learning information I learned in middle school..

Also, our new school looks great. I can't wait for the entire building to be built. The structure and design of the campus is AMAZING... I will send pictures when I can! I hope to continue blogging and sharing my ideas.
