Thursday, December 29, 2011

January Snowman Ideas

I found this cute idea on pinterest.

Although artwork is essential for students, we must also consider the objectives that each state request us to utilize through the year. So I decided to put my own touch to this project. My idea is for students to work in groups and list as many adjectives as they can to describe snowmen. Afterwards each group will share at least 5 of their best adjectives with the class. Students will use paper plates like the picture above and decorate it. They must also list at least 5 adjectives on the back of the plate describing the snowmen.

January Snowman Ideas


I saw this picture and had a great idea. My students love when they get to use scrapbook paper with cute designs on it. So they will be given a template and allowed to select one sheet of paper. I will be using the large scrapbook paper. The students will begin this project by writing a rough draft describing how to build a snowman. As the write they must add detail and the correct steps. The final copy will be placed on the mitten. I will provide students with lined paper that can be glued on to the pattern of the mitten.

January Snowman Ideas

All students will be instructed to find materials around their home that they can use to create a snowman. I will also provide materials for students that may forget to bring them from home. We will read a snowman book then after cutting the circles out we will develop a summary. The first circle will be the beginning. the middle (of course the middle of the summary), and the last circle will conclude  the story. After the summary is completed then students can decorate their snowman.

Welcome 2012

Snowmen Ideas for January UPDATE

I've been searching for lessons geared towards Snowmen. I found a couple of ideas provided by pinterest.  Enjoy and kick the New Year off with a Smile. : )

This book can be viewed within the classroom from  this site I have the orginal book but thought it might be nice to let the students view the book from our presentation station. There are a couple of ideas that popped into my head after reviewing the book. I plan to do alot of predicting, inferencing, and drawing conclusions. I will provide you detail information to come.

I have provided a neat activity to incorporate within the read aloud. The purpose of this activity is to engage students in higher order thinking skills along with making connections to the text. Click on the following site to get your copy

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Santa Down the Chimney

I found this neat idea on Pinterest. I love Pinterest!!!!
Today the students cut out patterns and created Santa going down the chimney. They thought it was so funny. We added the poem titled, "Santa Got Stuck in the Chimney" by Ken Nesbiee.  Tomorrow we will brainstorm ways that we could help Santa get out of the chimney. Then students will write their thoughts on how they will assist Santa on paper and we will glue it to the back of the chimney. After reading the poem there will be several discussions regarding the main idea of certain stanzas, lines that rhyme, making connections, author's purpose, and identifying why the author added certain information within the stanzas.

Christmas Poems

After the benchmark, we discovered we have alot of work ahead of us dealing with poems. The new Texas State Assessment requires children in third grade to be able to read and use higher order thinking skills as they answer questions regarding the poem.  So this week groups of 4 were placed in 5 poem stations. The objective was to read the poem and collaboratively answer questions. The students had to discuss their answers, reasoning behind choosing the answer, and evidence for selecting the answer. They have really enjoyed the poem station. I'm there to constantly monitor and facilitate the learning taking place. I selected 5 Christmas poems in  five different envelopes and added questions.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Candy Land

My new project is to create a Candy Land Game for Reading.

Ways to Group Students

I recently found this neat idea to group students as they collaboratively work  together. 
My third grade students are always engaged in cooperative group work and I think this will be a great way to group them. I found this idea from the "I love to teach blog site"